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Holistic Massage

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Modern day massage, often known as ‘Swedish Massage’ is a technique formed by Swedish gymnast Per Henrik Ling in the early 19th century. He used his knowledge of gymnastics, philosophy and massage from China in a holistic way, treating the whole person and not just the symptoms of illness. Taking into consideration the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the client, Andy takes on this belief, providing a treatment tailored to suit individual needs.

Therapeutic Massage
With A Holistic Approach

The effects of stress on the body are recognised as contributing to many health problems - stress reduction plays an important health role in disease prevention. Regular massage effectively reduces stress levels, simulating the body’s natural ability to heal. It relaxes, calms and nourishes both mind and body, allowing a more harmonious union to take place.

Some of the benefits are: Release of physical and emotional tension, Increase in joint mobility, Improvement of blood and lymph circulation, Elimination of Toxins.